Real Property Management Tidewater

Rentals for College Students

The summer has hardly begun and it’s already time to start thinking about where to stay when going, or returning, to college! If you are a college student what is most important on your list as you are looking for a place to rent? If you are a typical college student you would say rental price. Most college students are looking to save a buck anywhere they can. What if you are the parent of a college student? What is most important? Probably not price. Most likely you said security and the safety of you child. The rental property doesn’t have to be luxurious but it has to be safe. Look for a place that is in your budget, near your school, and in a safe location.

Seeking safety: A property doesn’t have to be expensive to be safe. Research the neighborhoods within a reasonable distance of the school. Local newspapers usually post a crime report on certain days of the week. Police departments can often provide crime statistics for local neighborhoods as well. Many real estate web sites also provide local statistics for neighborhoods in a given town or city. Web sites such as and are a couple starting points for identifying recent crimes in a given city. Frequently there will be some desirable and some less than desirable neighborhoods surrounding a college campus. Do a little homework and determine the desirable neighborhoods near your school.

Saving money: Now that you have found a place that meets your safety requirements how can you save a little money? Save on expenses by renting a house near campus with friends, teammates and classmates. Make sure you know the people well enough to know you are compatible. Be certain everyone signs the lease in case someone drops out or has another change of plans. If everyone is on the lease everyone will be liable for his or her share of the rent.

Other cost saving tips: Try negotiating a better deal on rent. Can your son or daughter go to school year round? Often in a college town rents are based on 7 or 8 months occupancy. Offering to sign a year’s lease at a lower monthly rate may work. Obviously Ramen noodles, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and mac and cheese are other options that we have all explored at one time or another.

Real Property Management Tidewater rents to all qualified renters. The Tidewater Virginia area is rich with higher education possibilities and Real Property Management Tidewater appreciates the needs of the students and their parents. We have properties available near the major universities in the area and offer the security and amenities that both student and parent will appreciate.

Check our great home inventory.

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